Domains and up-to-date statistics

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DomainTotal projectsTotal words
Business communication and Commerce24.37050.459.929
Machinery and Tools10.77025.400.951
Industrial engineering5.58520.608.301
Civil engineering and systems5.21814.948.629
Marketing / Market Research12.56213.620.854
Equipment for home and hobby5.98811.865.897
Transport / Transportation / Shipping4555.584.189
Military, defence595.282.174
Medical: general2.7454.605.330
Medical: Instruments2.5063.955.597
Medical: Health Care1.6663.364.297
Automation and Robotics9163.223.300
IT - general2.6903.209.225
HVAC - heating, ventillation, air conditioning1.1772.540.361
Automotive industry1.3992.144.784
Software localization1.1591.821.267
Electrical engineering, electronics5411.521.704
Human Resources7871.439.931
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs1.2361.393.151
IT - equipment1.4421.334.807
Sports / Fitness / Recreation / Tourism and Travel1.4951.240.209
Internet, e-Commerce4581.134.543
Advertising / Public Relations3.135947.709
Petroleum Eng/Sci697709.722
Food, nutrition & culinary637699.374
Aerospace / Aviation / Space283697.050
Law - general434688.229
Health, beauty, cosmetics289665.472
Paper making309659.183
Furniture / Household Appliances470618.568
Environment and Ecology271613.847
Power engineering274541.400



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Inżynieria plików

Chcemy być ekspertami w przetwarzaniu plików PDF. Zebrane doświadczenie przedstawiliśmy na konferencji branżowej w Sztokholmie w prezentacji „Tips and Trick on the translation of image text and PDF files”. Równie chętnie doradzimy naszym klientom w kwestii przetwarzania dokumentów trudnych do edycji.

Inżynieria plików